Sunday, May 22, 2011

Siham Craftlink at Paniyiri 2011

Crowds dancing the zorba at Paniyiri, Musgrave Park, Brisbane

Over the weekend Brisbane celebrated the Greek Festival called Paniyiri. It is estimated that about 50,000 people attended. Masses of delectable Greek food was eaten including the famous honey puffs and visitors embraced the culture by dancing the zorba to the beat of the lively music. Amongst the throng of people, Siham Craftlink was also there!! What a great way to end fair trade fortnight 2011. We exhibited a delightful mix of fair trade delights from Bangladesh, India, Thailand and Peru. Siham Craftlink was there to enthrall the masses!!

Pam McGann , Siham Craftlink

MMMM  smell that food cooking !

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Fair Trade fortnight event, Caloundra and Blacksoil.

Caloundra is the place to be this Saturday the 14th of May between 9am and 2pm .
Its Fair Trade Fortnight so why not swap your coffee and tea for a Fair trade coffee or tea.
Siham Craftlink will be there with beautiful baby handmade items , jewellery, alpaca wear and home decor and many other unique gifts.
Come along and browse through the stalls and support a great day.
Come along on Sunday May 15th to Bush Kidz Daycare for a Flood Relief Fundraiser.
19 Eleazar Drive, Blacksoil. From 8am -1pm

 Siham Craftlink will have a stall  represented by Fair Choices .Fair Choices will have lots of early childhood fair trade gifts and also many other items from the Siham Craftlink range.
The event will features a huge variety of market stalls, a sausage sizzle, games for the kids, face painting and a baby animal nursery.